In Lockdown With...
Ciaran Fitzgerald talks to notable creatives in the fields of Theatre, visual arts and film to see how they're coping with the Coronavirus, and to find out a little more about them as people and artists.
In Lockdown With...
Episode 81: Emmy Stonelake
Ciaran Fitzgerald
Season 1
Episode 81
Emmy Stonelake is Ciaran's guest on this episode of 'In Lockdown With...' Emmy studied Actor-Musicianship at Rose Bruford college before beginning her career as an actor. In Summer 2021, Emmy directed pieces in the Welsh language by Sgwenwyr Ifanc Fran Wen (Fran Wen Young Writers), and is currently in Gary Owen's adaptation of 'A Christmas Carol' at the Sherman Theatre, where this episode of the podcast was recorded. Here Ciaran finds out more about Emmy and her career.