In Lockdown With...
Ciaran Fitzgerald talks to notable creatives in the fields of Theatre, visual arts and film to see how they're coping with the Coronavirus, and to find out a little more about them as people and artists.
In Lockdown With...
Episode 82: Ruth Fabby
Ciaran Fitzgerald
Season 1
Episode 82
On this Boxing Day episode of 'In Lockdown With...' Ciaran is joined by Ruth Fabby artistic director of Disability Arts Cymru. Ruth trained in performance arts, speech and drama at Liverpool Theatre School. Among are achievements are founding DaDa Fest, an international festival for disabled artist in Liverpool, which now attracts artists from all around the world. Ciaran finds out about Ruth's tenure so far as Artistic Director of DAC, much of which has been during lockdown. Disability Arts Cymru have recently published a manifesto outlining the rights of disabled people in the creative industries, and it was great to discuss that with Ruth.